Eric Sheninger works with schools throughout the world, helping educators meet and exceed their potential to improve outcomes for learners. He is the founder and CEO of Aspire Change EDU, a collaborative consultancy designed to provide personalized support to all educational systems. Prior to this, he was a teacher and award-winning Principal at New Milford High School. Under his leadership, his school became a globally recognized model for innovative practices. Eric oversaw the successful implementation of several sustainable change initiatives that radically transformed the learning culture at his school while increasing achievement. His work focuses on empowering educators to unlock the potential in all learners as well as themselves. Eric has emerged as an innovative leader, best-selling author, and sought-after speaker. Eric has received numerous awards and acknowledgments for his work. He is a Center for Digital Education Top 30 Award recipient, Bammy Award winner, National Association for Secondary School Principals Digital Principal Award winner, Phi Delta Kappa Emerging Leader Award recipient, winner of Learning Forward’s Excellence in Professional Practice Award, Google Certified Innovator, Adobe Education Leader, and Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 2011 Conference Scholar. He has authored or co-authored eight books, including Disruptive Thinking in Our Classrooms and Digital Leadership.
Eric began his career in education as a science teacher at Watchung Hills Regional High School in Warren, New Jersey. He then transitioned into the field of educational administration, first as an athletic director and supervisor of physical education and health and then as vice principal in the New Milford School District. Eric earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Salisbury University, a Bachelor of Science from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, and a Master of Education in educational administration from East Stroudsburg University.
Nicki Slaugh stands out as a trailblazer in the field of educational transformation. Through her efforts, she has established a school culture dedicated to customizing learning experiences for individual students, cultivating a positive atmosphere, highlighting the importance of STEM education, and purposefully integrating technology to unleash each student’s potential. As a secondary principal, Nicki’s forward-thinking leadership has transformed a conventionally structured school into one that advocates for personalized, competency-based learning, attracting nationwide attention. Nicki’s focus has been creating proficiency scales, developing rubrics, self-paced pathways, incorporating technology as a resource, and giving teachers and students voice and choice in the classroom. Nicki is a Google-certified innovator who is certified in Magic- SchoolAI. Notable achievements include creating a Mastery Tracker for students and enhancing student progress in competency-based learning environments. Additionally, Nicki has presented her work at numerous local and national conferences teaching educators and leaders. Nicki championed innovative practices and received the Teacher of the Year Award, Model School Award, and was part of the reason her school accomplished being one of the first STEM-designated schools in Utah. Slaugh served as the Ogden/Weber Partners in Education Chair for three years, where she facilitated collaborative efforts to enhance educational opportunities for students. Nicki Slaugh’s education legacy spans over two decades, starting as a classroom teacher from kindergarten to third grade. She also served as an instructional technology and curriculum coach for grades K-9. Nicki currently serves as a secondary principal, fueled by a passion- ate commitment to cultivating a love of learning within her school. Nicki has a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood, a Master’s in Educational Leadership, Gifted and Talented Endorsement, and an Administrative License.
Personalization is hard work, but Sheninger and Slaugh are correct—it is the right work, and this book will make it more understandable, doable, and enjoyable.
John Hattie | Melbourne Laureate Professor Emeritus
Personalize makes it clear that if students are going to be able to enjoy the benefits of a quality education, instruction must be crafted in a way that meets their specific learning needs and meets children where they are and as they are.
Principal Baruti Kafele | Retired Principal, Education Consultant, Author