Jonathan Alsheimer is the unorthodox, energetic, and entertaining teacher who refuses to live a life of limitations and works with UFC Fighters, Celebrities, and Clothing Brands. In addition to being a passionate educator, Jonathan is an international keynote speaker and the best-selling author of “NEXT LEVEL TEACHING.” Jonathan taught at the world-renowned Fred Lynn Middle School, which was featured in two documentaries Relentless and Relentless: Chasing Accreditation, as the teacher who forged a partnership with UFC Fighter and light-weight contender Paul Felder to bring a message of never giving up, fighting for their education, and empowering the students to believe in themselves, all principles that Jonathan promotes in his classroom.

Jonathan Alsheimer also partnered with Fear the Fighter, an MMA clothing brand to establish a stop-bullying campaign. Jonathan Alsheimer didn’t stop there and established a relationship with Drama, MTV reality star and CEO of Young and Reckless to promote and build student leaders in his school.

Jonathan, an educator in northern Virginia, has been featured on USA Channel 9 and NBC News for establishing a national give-back movement called “A Rae of Hope,” started in his classroom to help pediatric patients in hospitals, which has now grown and been imple- mented in schools and classrooms across the nation.

As Jonathan always says, “Game-changing is not a cliche motto; it is a way of life...some talk about it while others live by it!


School of Engagement is an exciting and motivating "reset" read for any educator. This book focuses on the important role educators play and acts as a playbook, teaching educators about how to increase and amplify their impact with actionable steps.

Adrienne Wiggins | Elementary Teacher


School of Engagement is is a MUST READ for anyone looking to take their classroom and school to the next level.

Hamish Brewer | Educator, Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker