Dan Butler serves as the principal of Epworth Elementary School in the Western Dubuque Community School District. Previously, he was the principal of Epworth and Farley Elementary Schools simultaneously for four years focusing on positive relationships with all members of the learning community, high impact instructional techniques, building leadership capacity in others, and establishing successful school cultures. Prior to serving as an administrator, Dan taught third and fifth grades in the Western Dubuque District, as well as serving as a baseball and football coach. In addition to his responsibilities as a building principal, Dan works as an adjunct professor in the Educational Leadership department at the University of Northern Iowa where he earned his doctoral degree. Dan has received numerous awards and most recently was recognized as a finalist for the School Administrators of Iowa Elementary Principal of the year in 2019 and 2020.


This book came along at exactly the right time. Dan shows us how to find balance, efficacy, positive energy, and authentic power. Permission to be Great is a must-read book for anyone who wants to make a difference and live a good and beautiful life."

Jim Knight | Senior Partner of the Instructional Coaching Group & Author


Dan blends appealing narratives with actionable information grounded in a solid research base to support leaders in creating high-energy, engaging learning cultures. Permission to Be Great is an invitation to live and lead empowered, engaged, and energized. I read it cover-to-cover in one sitting!"

Dana Schon, Ed.D., Professional Learning Director, School Administrators of Iowa