Alana Winnick lives in New York City and currently holds key leadership positions as the Educational Technology Director and Data Protection Officer for Pocantico Hills Central

School District in Sleepy Hollow, NY, and the Hudson Valley Director for The New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education (NYSCATE), where she blends her degrees, certifications, and experience in Childhood Education, Educational Technology, and Leadership.

Alana hosts The Generative Age, a live web show and podcast powered by NYSCATE that explores the rapidly evolving world of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on education. She has been at the forefront of innovation in the industry and has supported both her region and NYS during several disruptive transformations, including the migration to cloud computing, navigating the challenges brought on by the pandemic (including the shift to remote/hybrid learning), and the emergence of generative AI.


This book provides real-world applications of Artificial Intelligence that will empower teachers and leaders as we enter this next phase of learning with technology. A must read!

Carl Hooker | Co-Founder K12Leaders


In a time when everyone has questions about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on our educational institutions, this book has the answers. Whether you work with students, or are leading a staff through the generative age, you'll find a clear path to follow and case studies to reference.

A.J. Juliani | Best-Selling Author and Founder of Adaptable Learning